Rossi : “Jika Lorenzo mau, ia akan sangat membantu kami di Yamaha. Kami punya banyak kenangan manis dan pedih bersama”
MOTOMAZINE.COM – Sebuah kabar kurang menyenangkan datang dari dunia MotoGP. Jorge Lorenzo yang sering kami s ebut sebagai paduka akhirnya memutuskan pensiun dan mengakhiri karir balapnya di atas pelana RC213V. Sedikit miris memang, sebab paduka pernah berujar ingin tuntaskan masa baktinya di kancah MotoGP bersama pabrikan yang telah membesarkan namanya, garputala.
Keputusan yang diambil Lorenzo ini sukses membuat banyak orang terhenyak. Banyak yang tahu karakter Lorenzo yang perfectionist dan tak gampang menyerah. Kiprahnya di Ducati membuktikan segalanya. Bagaimana Porfuera berjuang menaklukkan Desmosedici GP yang nyatanya mampu meluluhlantakkan karir pembalap-pembalap jempolan.
Di Mugello, 2018 silam, Lorenzo berhasil gapai kemenangan. Di depan publik Ducati, di Italia, dekat dengan Borgo Panigale rumah Ducati, yang pasti menjadikan jiwa pembalap paduka terbang ke level tertinggi.
Tak samppai di situ saja, kemenangan berikutnya di Catalunya seakan membuktikan bahwa Lorenzo memang sudah klop dengan mesin desmodromic tersebut.
Namun entah apa yang membuat paduka terasuki. Di akhir musim 2018 doi lebih memilih berlabuh ke pangkuan Honda. Berusaha mewujudkan mimpinya menjadi pembalap impian tim HRC Repsol. bertandem dengan Marc Marquez dan berusaha mendulang kemenangan lagi.
Tapi apa yang terjadi? Bagai pungguk merindukan bulan. Jangankan kemenangan, masuk barisan 5 besar saja Jorge kesulitan. Karakter Honda RC213V musim 2019 ternyata sama sekali tak cocok dengan karakternya yang smooth dalam membawa motor.
Apakah Lorenzo diam saja? Tidak… Berbagai upaya sudah ia coba… Mulai dari memodifikasi tangki, tempat duduk, hingga triple clamp setang Honda nya yang ia ganti layaknya model Yamaha. Termasuk merubah riding style sedikit lebih agresif dengan beberapa kali melakukan leg wave saat pengereman.
Namun lagi-lagi, everything doesn’t work. Paduka tetap kesulitan menjinakkan Honda RC213V tunggangannya. Sangat ironis dengan Marc Marquez yang begitu sempurna membawa motor Tokyo tersebut menuju gelar juara dunia dengan raihan poin luar biasa.
Dan atas kabar pensiunnya Lorenzo ini, rupanya mendapat respon dari mantan rekan setimnya, Valentino Rossi. The Doctor yang sempat berbagi paddock, berbagai sekat dan berbagi ‘otot’ dengan Jorge menyatakan rasa prihatinnya dan berusaha memberikan solusi.
Valentino Rossi sepertinya mengerti benar apa yang dialami mantan kompetitornya di Yamaha tersebut. Terlebih Rossi juga pernah terseok-seok saat membela Ducati. Rossi menyebut apa yang dialami Jorge saat ini adalah masa yang sangat sulit. Gambaran dirinya saat harus jatuh bangun dengan Desmo GP11 dan GP12. Beruntung saat itu Yamaha masih mau menerima kembali si Vale yang ingin hengkang dari Ducati.
“Kita menghabiskan banyak waktu bersama. Baik suka maupun duka. Hubugan kami naik dan turun… “ halah koyok wong pacaran ae pakdhe… tapi itulah yang sebenarnya terjadi. Tensi keduanya terus meningkat mulai 2009 dan puncaknya di 2010.
“Hubungan kami yang kembali memanas terjadi di 2015. Banyak sekali persaingan tempo tinggi saat itu. Dia adalah pembalap yang sangat kuat dan membuat saya termotivasi,” tutur The Doctor.
Mengenai masa depan Jorge, seperti yang sudah mmz kutip di atas, Rossi akan sangat senang jika Lorenzo mau gabung ke Yamaha, sebaga tes rider misalnya…
“Sangat disayangkan, kita kehilangan pembalap yang sangat kuat. Tapi inilah balapan. Untuk terus maju kamu harus terus termotivasi. Kita harus menikmati balapan itu sendiri. Jika tidak hidup akan terasa sulit. Ini adalah keputusan perseorangan, dan kita semua tahu kapan waktu itu tiba,” tambah pembalap Monster Yamaha tersebut.
“Lorenzo sebagai pembalap tester Yamaha? Jika iya! Saya akan katakan kebenarannya. Jika Lorenzo kembali ke M1, ia pasti cepat dan sangat membantu kita,” tutup The Doctor.
Last, dengan rilisnya pengumuman ini maka dipastikan paduka Lorenzo akan menyudahi kiprah balap MotoGP nya pasca race Valencia nanti. Entahlah, bisa jadi di sana nanti paduka membuat sebuah selebrasi khusus, misalnya… Semoga berguna… (mmz)
Dan berikut kutipan pidato resmi Lorenzo pensiun yang mmz kutip dari
“Thank you for attending this press conference, it really means a lot to me, it makes me very happy.
“I always thought that there are four significant days for a rider. The first is you first race, the second your first win and then your first world championship – not everyone can win a world championship but some of us made it – and then the day you retire.
“As you all imagine here, I am here to announce that this day has arrived for me. This will be my last race in MotoGP and after this race I will retire as a professional racer.
“Everything started when I was three years old, almost 30 years of complete dedication to my sport. People who work with me know how perfectionist I am, how much energy and intensity I have always put into my sport.
“This level of perfectionism requires a lot of motivation, that is why after nine years at Yamaha – so wonderful, probably the best years that I enjoyed in my career – I felt that I needed a change, if I wanted to keep this full commitment to my sport.
“That’s why I wanted to move to Ducati, it gave me a big boost of motivation and even though the results were very bad, I used the motivation to not give up and keep fighting until I achieved this beautiful Mugello victory in front of all the Ducati fans.
“Then later, when I signed to Honda, you gave me another big boost because I achieved something all riders dream of, to become HRC rider for Repsol Honda.
“Unfortunately, injuries came very soon to play an important part in my results and performance, so I wasn’t able to be in normal physical condition to be fast or competitive.
“This plus a bike that didn’t feel natural to me, gave me a lot of problems to be competitive like I want to be. Anyway, I never lost patience and keep working with the team thinking it was probably only a matter of time until everything came into the right place.
“Then when I was starting to see some light in the tunnel, the nasty crash at the Montmelo test happened. And then some days later I crashed again in this ugly Assen crash, which you know the consequences that created.
“I have to admit when I was rolling in the gravel and I stood up, I thought to myself ‘OK Jorge, is this really worth it?’ after what I’ve achieved, to keep suffering… I am done with it, I don’t want to race anymore.
“But then I came back home and decided to give it a try. I didn’t want to make any early decision. So I kept going. But the truth is from that moment the hill became so high and so big for me that I was not able to find the motivation, the patience to keep trying to climb this mountain.
“You all know, I love to ride, I love competition, I love this sport but above all I love to win. So I realised at some point this was not possible, in this short time with Honda. So…. [applause] at this stage of my career it was impossible for me to keep the motivation and my goal that I put into my mind at the beginning of the season was not realistic, in a short time.
“So I have to say I feel very sorry for Honda. Especially Alberto, who was the one who gave me this opportunity. I remember very well that day in Montmelo test, one of the first meetings I had with him, to start chatting about my move to Honda. And I said to him, ‘Alberto don’t make a mistake, signing the wrong rider! Trust me and you will not regret it’.
“Sadly, I have to say, I disappointed him. I disappointed Honda. Takeo [Yokoyama], [Tetsuhiro] Kuwata and Nomura-san [HRC president]. However I think this is the best decision for me and for the team because Honda and Jorge Lorenzo cannot fight to just score some points or even top five or podium, that I think could be possible with time. I think we are both winners that need to fight to win.
“So speaking a little bit more for happiness, coming back to my beautiful and successful career I always said that I’m a very lucky guy. Sometimes I feel a little bit like this movie ‘one in a billion’ that narrates the life of an Indian basketball player in the NBA.
“Because I raced against unbelievable riders of my generation and any of them could have achieved what I achieved. [but] they weren’t as successful as I am. And especially most of them didn’t even arrive into the world championship and had to go back to work in normal jobs. So I always felt very grateful.
“It’s true that I’ve been always a hard worker and made a lot of sacrifice but without being in the right place at the right time and especially without the help of many people, who helped me to achieve what I achieved, it would not have been possible.
“That’s why I’m also here to thank everyone for their help, especially Carmelo and Dorna for all the good treatment they always gave to me and especially to make this sport so great.
“Also all the factories that believe in me and signed me – Derbi, Aprilia, Yamaha, Ducati, Honda. Especially Giampeiro Sacchi, Gigi Dall’Igna, Lin Jarvis and Alberto Puig.
“Then obviously my mother for bringing me into this world. My father to transmit me this love for the bike and all help that he did. Juanito [mechanic] for his loyalty, staying with me all my career. My fans, my fan club, all the fans of MotoGP in general, who keep this sport as it is today.
“This is it. Thank you all for all the help. It was a pleasure to work with you and with all my heart I wish you all the best, all the luck, professionally and personally. Thanks a lot.”
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Tetep sih Rossi pembalap sejati, mo dia pindah ke jenis motor apapun jg msh stabil sering masuk ke 10 atau 5 besar. Klo Lorenzo sejak keluar dr Yamaha malah melempem performa nya di Ducati & Honda, trus yg disalahin malah motornya wkwkwk..
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